Thursday, September 18, 2008

Modern Feminism: A Theory

So I was having sex the other day and it occurred to me that girls always lose their clothes faster than guys. It happens without fail every time. My husband seems to think that it is just because guys want access to my tits. I think this is bullshit.

It is an example of the inequality of power that exists in male-female relationships. The guy is the one who is supposed to be in charge. Think about it: the guy proposes marriage and the girl just gets to say yes; girls leave love notes in guys lockers. I say fuck that shit. I can choose my lovers as much as they choose me. People only have power over you if you let them. I have power in relationships. I can choose. Both partners can choose.

To me, feminism is all about equality. It is a two way street. Feminism means that girls can wear pants and that guys can cry.

So feminism must mean that this power inequality doesn't have to exist. It only exists if you let it. So the next time I'm having sex, I'm totally stripping the guy before he even gets a chance to think about taking off my shirt.

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