Friday, October 17, 2008

art and self-absorption

I was watching an older interview with Voltaire last night that he had posted on his myspace. Voltaire said something that has really stuck with me. He said that in order to be an artist you have to be self-absorbed. What could be more narcissistic than to say "Fuck what I'm supposed to be doing. I am just going to let these ideas take over and be a slave to these ideas and create something."

I thought this was a fascinating point of view. It does take a certain amount of self-involvement in order to think that your own personal ideas and fantasies are so amazing that you should devote your life to making them a reality. I myself can be pretty vain at times. My days as of late are spent trying to realize my own creative visions via my photography and my knitting. What could be more narcissistic than thinking that someone might want to pay for something that I made?

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