Thursday, November 13, 2008

Activly Living Life

I had a revelation today. I get so anxious about my future, worried about what might happen to me. But I think that is looking at it backwards.

I OWN what happens to me. I own the world. The world doesn't own me. I happen to the world, instead of the world happening to me!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

My First Meditation

I have been thinking about starting to meditate for a long time. I think it could really help me become more centered, relaxed, and balanced.

So tonight I finally gave it a try. It was awesome. I wanna try to keep doing this a couple times a week. It was so relaxing and refreshing. I light some candles, turned the lights off, and sat down. I was attempting to just relax, and be me, and accept myself and whatever thoughts floated through my head. I am me and I can be no one else so I have no choice but to accept the person that I am.