Monday, October 27, 2008

Magic, Wicca, and Pagans

I have been thinking about writing this post for a while but I've been embarrassed about publicly admitting that I believe in magic. Our culture says that magic isn't real so anyone who believes it is must be crazy. Once I realized that this was the source of my angst I realized that it was doubly important that I take the time to think all this through. Fuck Mother Culture.

When I met Rob about two years ago, that was the first time I had met someone who considered themselves Wiccian. I didn't really buy the whole magic thing at the time but I'm open minded and in time Rob and I were married.

Lately I've begun to become close friends with a few people who I consider to be highly intelligent that happen to be really into the whole magic thing. If they believe in this, there might be something to it.

So I'm tired of storytelling. Long story short, I have determined that I am able to generate energy through my emotions. I am just starting to get into this and I am not sure what to make of it. I'm reading a book about energy that Rob got for me at the local metaphysical book shop. I guess I believe in magic now. It seems a little weird still but it is exciting. It's a whole new world opening up for me.

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