Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Interconnectedness and other related subjects

I am a consumer whore. I love things. It is part of the reason I love knitting so much. It is another way to acquire things. Most Americans are caught up in the game of consuming shit. The major problem with American society is that we Americans value all the wrong things: the stuff you own, your house, your job, your money. None of that stuff matters.

What is important is your connection to other people. It is through your relationships with other people that you should define yourself because they are the only thing that can truly make you happy.

Vonnegut wrote a great essay about this in his book A Man Without a Country. He discusses how important human interaction is in his everyday life. Like how he likes going to the news stand to buy an envelope and to the post office to mail a letter just to get the chance to have this small interaction with another person. It is this interaction that helps us define ourselves. Sure you could just buy envelopes online and then put the letter in your mailbox but then you miss out on the most important part of life.

That same essay also talks about how technology alienates us from each other. Technology means that you have the option to avoid those all important human interactions. Personally, I love technology. I think if used correctly it can help provide you with more opportunities to interact with others. I love my cell phone. I use it to text my friends all the time. Aim is an awesome way for me to keep in touch with my friends who live far away.

This post has kinda wandered all over the place. Let me close by reminding you that human relationships are what is important in life. And no that hot mage you met playing World of Warcraft defintly doesn't count.

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